Dent County Route 19 Standing Rock Creek Public Meeting Documents

A public information open house was held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023, at the Salem Community Center at the Armory (1200 W. Rolla Road, Salem, MO). Members from the project team were on hand to answer questions and receive comments. Exhibits were on display outlining the planned work, traffic impacts, and planned detour route to be used during construction. There was no formal presentation so interested parties were able to come and go as they pleased at any time during the open house.


Below you will find the same exhibits as were presented at the public meeting. 


Open comment period: Sept. 28 through Oct. 13

Comments were submitted using an online form that was hosted on this, by email, or by mail.  All comments must be received or postmarked by Oct. 13.


Input was especially important about the timing of the planned 45-day closure of the roadway for the project. The closure window had not yet been determined and the project team welcomed and is now analyzing and considering all input from stakeholders about that issue and other aspects of the project. (Updated April 9, 2024)

Below are the exhibits and materials that were used and presented at the Sept. 28, 2023, public meeting regarding the proposed replacement of the Dent County Route 19 bridge over Standing Rock Creek. This included a proposed 45-day closure of the roadway with a signed detour.

Since the time of that meeting, the design team has developed a new plan that will allow the roadway to remain open during construction.

Details about the new plan can be found HERE.