Beginning in January 2018, MoDOT initiated a comprehensive review of our management processes and incentive structures used to deliver transportation infrastructure efficiently and safely. Using a series of employee focus groups and management consultation, MoDOT has committed to deliver 14 strategic initiatives in the coming 24 months and these strategies appear on the MoDOT Strategic Initiatives placemat.
Where we are going
MoDOT’s core values remain safety, service and stability. The department will promote and provide for the safe operation of a 21st century transportation system in Missouri while also keeping MoDOT employees safe in the field.
In doing so, MoDOT will pursue approaches to program delivery and project management that deliver the best possible value to Missouri taxpayers and use existing resources wisely.
Finally, MoDOT’s commitment to stability indicates not only a pledge to preserve the current highway system in the best condition possible, but also to maintain an engaged and motivated workforce. To these ends, MoDOT has identified 14 initiatives targeting strategic transformation in these areas.
Those initiatives—upon which we will elaborate in the following pages—consist of:
Commit to Service
- Providing Outstanding Customer Service
- Delivering Efficient and Innovative Transportation Projects
- Operating a Reliable Transportation System
Commit to Stability
- Managing Our Assets
- Stabilizing Resources and Cost of Turnover
- Building a Prosperous Economy for All Missourians