The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission is a six-member board that governs the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Commission members are appointed for a six-year term by the governor and are confirmed by the Missouri Senate. No more than the three commission members may be of the same political party.
MoDOT's director and secretary to the commission are appointed by the commission.The director is responsible for all other employee appointments and hirings.
Public Comment Director Search
The Commission will be conducting a national search for the new director of MoDOT. This pdf is the draft job posting. Before we post the job vacancy, the Commission is seeking input on the desired credentials and personal attributes for the new director. Please use this comment form to submit ideas through 8 a.m. Tuesday, Sept 3.
Job Posting Link
Contact Information:
Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission
P.O. Box 270
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Phone: 573-751-2824
Fax: 573-522-2698
For Road Condition Inquiries please dial 888-275-6636.