Counties Impacted
Route Impacted
Work Type
Roadway Realignment
Planning Phase

Project Milestones

Accepting Bids
September 2026
Contract Awarded
October 2026
Tentative Construction Start Date
November 2026
Tentative Construction Completion Date
November 2027

Purpose and Need/What's the Problem?

Sections of Missouri Route 32 in Cedar and Polk counties will be straightened, eliminating sharp curves and creating a safer, more efficient roadway for drivers.

Project Information:

Contractor crews will remove several sharp curves along Missouri Route 32 in Cedar and Polk counties and build a straighter section of highway.

News Releases

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will there be any signed detours where the work on realigning and widening of Missouri Route 32 is being done?

No, most of the work at the realignment locations on Route 32 will be done away from traffic with temporary closures to tie the new road into the existing pavement and replacement of box culverts near Route CC and Polk County 76th Road.  During that time, drivers will be asked to find alternate routes to avoid the work zone.

Where the widening is being done at Missouri Route 123 and Missouri Route 245, traffic will be reduced to one lane. Drivers should expect delays in these locations and are urged to find alternate routes.

Will there be any signed detours when the Route 32/Barren Creek bridge is closed?

No, a temporary bypass and crossing will be constructed around the existing bridge to allow traffic continued access through this location.  The bypass will be signed for 35 MPH for the duration of the bridge construction.

How were the locations for realignment of Route 32 chosen?

These locations were identified because of the large number of crashes. The curves will be straightened creating a safer, more efficient roadway for drivers.

The Barren Creek bridge will be 100 years old in 2025 and there have been multiple crashes in the vicinity of the bridge.

Will there be any change to the speed limits once the projects are complete?

Currently, through the curve locations there are advisory curve signs with a posted speed of 35 MPH and chevron arrow signs. Once completed, these signs will be eliminated and the speed will be the normal posted speed of 55 mph.

Will any property be impacted?

The new construction will require acquisition of right-of-way and temporary easements from 21 property owners. Please review the exhibits for additional information. If your property is impacted, MoDOT will be contacting you soon.

How do I ask a question or leave feedback?

You may also send us an e-mail at or call us at (417) 895-7600.

What is the project timeline?

The project will be awarded in the fall of 2026.

Completion of the project is expected to be the fall of 2027.