MoDOT Plans to Replace Route C Bridge in Madison County

SIKESTON-The Missouri Department of Transportation is planning to replace the Route C bridge over the St. Francis River in Madison County. The bridge is located 3.8 miles northwest of Saco, Mo.

The new structure will be constructed east of the existing bridge. Constructing the new structure on a different alignment will allow the roadway to remain open during construction; traffic will use the existing bridge during this time.

The project is expected to be let in June 2020. Construction could begin as early as Sept. 2020. Construction is expected to be underway for approximately six months.

The new bridge will be wider than the existing structure and will eliminate the need for weight restrictions.

For more information, please contact Project Manager Pete Berry at (417) 469-6242, Area Engineer Brian Okenfuss at (573) 472-9046 or MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888 ASK MODOT (275-6636). To comment on this project, please visit


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