Upcoming Traffic Shifts at Center Junction DDI for Project Milestone

**UPDATE: Due to the weather, phase 1 is now anticipated to begin overnight on Thursday, Sept. 3, weather permitting.**

SIKESTON-The Center Junction diverging diamond interchange project at Interstate 55 and U.S. Route 61 (mile marker 99) between Cape Girardeau and Jackson, Missouri, will soon reach a milestone. In the coming weeks, the eastside of I-55 will be in its final condition.

To accomplish this, several traffic shifts will be necessary as the Missouri Department of Transportation’s contractor works to connect the new pavement to the existing. The three-phase approach will occur in succession over the course of approximately six weeks, with phase 1 beginning overnight on Thursday, Sept. 3, weather permitting.

Motorists should anticipate the following:

  • Phase 1-Shift current head-to-head traffic to utilize new pavement and existing westbound lanes. The northbound I-55 on ramp and southbound I-55 off ramp will be open to traffic. Construction at the northbound I-55 off ramp will be underway.
  • Phase 2-Shift northbound I-55 off ramp traffic onto new pavement and close access to Veterans Memorial Drive south.
  • Phase 3-Reopen access to Veterans Memorial Drive. Traffic signals will be in operation at Veterans Memorial Drive following completion of phase 3.

During all three phases, access between Old Orchard Road in Jackson and Boulder Crest Drive in Cape Girardeau will be right in, right out only. To view an aerial of the upcoming traffic shifts, please visit www.modot.org/center-junction-ddi.

The work zones will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.

For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636) or visit www.modot.org/center-junction-ddi.



Aerial: https://www.modot.org/sites/default/files/documents/CENTER%20JUNCTION_multiphase%20traffic%20impacts_Sept%202020_update.pdf

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