JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – At the request of the Gasconade County R-2 School District, the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) conducted a speed study on Missouri Route 19 from the north city limits of Owensville to Missouri Route 28. As a result of the study, the speed limit will be lowered from 55 miles per hour (mph) to 45 mph through this section. In addition, the school zone will be reduced to 35 mph when the school zone flashers are activated.
The new signs reducing the speed limit will be installed next week. Enforcement of the new speed limit, passed by city ordinance in December 2023, will begin as soon as the new signs are installed.
Local MoDOT crews plan to install the new speed limit signs on Tuesday, Feb. 13, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. This work will require a lane closure at each sign location and flaggers will direct traffic through the work zone.
MoDOT asks all motorists to work with us by buckling up, putting your phone down, obeying all traffic signs, and slowing down and moving over in work zones.
For more information about MoDOT projects, traffic updates, or other transportation-related matters, please visit our Traveler Information Map at or call our 24-hour Customer Service Center at 1-888-ASK-MoDOT (275-6636). While at, sign up for work zone updates sent directly to your inbox. Information is also available 24/7 by connecting with us on social media:
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