JEFFERSON CITY, Mo – The Callaway County Route BB bridge over Hillers Creek will close next week for the replacement of the bridge deck. Construction crews, working with the Missouri Department of Transportation, anticipate restricting all access to the bridge beginning the morning of Feb. 26, 2024.
Built in 1968, the supporting structures of the bridge are in good condition, but the driving surface has deteriorated, is in poor condition, and needs to be replaced. Route BB over Hillers Creek is expected to reopen in mid-April. Throughout the closure, a signed detour will be in place, directing motorists to use Callaway County Route PP and Missouri Route 94.
MoDOT contracted with E & C Bridge, LLC to complete this work. All work is weather-permitting, and schedules are subject to change.
For more information, or to sign up for project-specific updates, visit the project’s webpage at
MoDOT asks all motorists to work with us by buckling up, putting your phone down, obeying all traffic signs, and slowing down and moving over in work zones. Motorists are advised to use extra caution through work zones, obey all traffic signs, and avoid any distractions.
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