Resurfacing on Missouri Route 28 begins next week

Project spans Gasconade, Osage, and Maries counties

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo A pavement improvement project is set to begin next week on Missouri Route 28 from U.S. Route 63 in Maries County to U.S. Route 50 in Gasconade County. Construction crews will begin the resurfacing work in Gasconade County on Monday, April 8, 2024 

For the duration of the project, Monday through Friday, one lane of Route 28 will be closed and flaggers with a pilot car will direct motorists through the work zone. Two crews will begin in Owensville with one progressing north to Rosebud and one progressing south to U.S. Route 63 as follows: 

  • From Owensville to Rosebud – all work will be conducted at night between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. 
  • From Owensville to U.S. Route 63 – all work will be conducted during the day from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

All work is weather-dependent, and schedules are subject to change.  

The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded a $6,501,051.64 contract to Capital Paving and Construction for this work and pavement improvements on two other routes, all of which is anticipated to be completed by Nov. 1, 2024. 

MoDOT asks all motorists to work with us by buckling up, putting your phone down, obeying all traffic signs, and slowing down and moving over in work zones. Motorists are advised to use extra caution through work zones, obey all traffic signs, and avoid any distractions.   

For traffic updates or other transportation-related matters, please call 1-888-ASK-MoDOT (275-6636) or visit our Traveler Information Map. Information is also available 24/7 via social media. Follow the MoDOT Central Missouri District on social media: 

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