Crawford County Route 19, H, & F bridges over I-44 scheduled for rehabilitation

Route F and H bridges to close beginning June 3, 2024

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo – A bridge rehabilitation project on Crawford County Routes 19, H, and F over Interstate 44 is set to begin the first week of June. Construction crews plan to close Route F to all traffic on Monday, June 3, and will then close Route H on June 4. A signed detour will be in place for both routes, which are anticipated to be complete in early July.

When Route F is completed, Route 19 construction will begin as staged construction: one lane will remain open with temporary signals guiding motorists through the work zone. Route 19 is expected to reopen to two lanes in September 2024.

These bridges were all built in 1966. While the supporting structures are in good condition, the driving surface has deteriorated, and the guardrail need updated to current standards.

All work is weather-permitting, and schedules are subject to change.

For more information, or to sign up for project-specific updates, visit the project’s webpage at

MoDOT asks all motorists to work with us by buckling up, putting your phone down, obeying all traffic signs, and slowing down and moving over in work zones. Motorists are advised to use extra caution through work zones, obey all traffic signs, and avoid any distractions.  

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