MoDOT to Hold Public Hearing to Discuss Upcoming Route 160 Project in Ozark County

SIKESTON-The Missouri Department of Transportation will hold an open house public hearing from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 to discuss upcoming improvements to Route 160 in Ozark County. The meeting will be held at Gainesville School in the cafeteria, located at 422 Bull Dog St. in Gainesville, Missouri.

"Visitors can stop-by anytime between 4 and 7 p.m. to discuss the details of the project with the MoDOT project team,” said MoDOT Project Manager Pete Berry.

The proposed project includes widening approximately 1 mile of Route 160, realigning two curves and the addition of paved shoulders at Tecumseh, Missouri. The project also includes adding guardrail on the south side along Route 160.

“We look forward to sharing more information about these safety improvements with local travelers at the meeting,” said Berry.

The project is expected to be let in May 2020, with construction beginning as early as summer 2020. Temporary widening will be completed to allow two-way traffic as construction is underway. Completion is anticipated in fall 2020.

For more information, please contact Berry at (417) 469-6242, Transportation Project Designer Melanie Rickard-Elmore at (417) 469-6238, Area Engineer Elquin Auala at (417) 469-6286 or MoDOT's Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK MODOT (275-6636).


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