Districts Impacted
Project Summary
The proposed project includes constructing a roundabout at the intersection of Routes C/V and Route 160. This intersection is located west of the Route 160/158 interchange south of Poplar Bluff, Missouri. The project will improve sight distance and better accommodate intersection capacity and future growth.
Open House Community Briefing: Sept. 10, 2024
MoDOT held an open house community briefing from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10 to discuss this project (this will be held in conjunction with the U.S. 67 public hearing). The meeting was held at Neelyville Schools in the cafeteria, located at 289 Broadway St., Neelyville, Missouri.
The meeting materials, including the handout and an opportunity to comment, are included below. Comments were accepted through Sept. 24, 2024.
Project Timeline
Sept. 10, 2024 from 4-7 p.m. at Neelyville Schools Cafeteria
Spring 2025
As early as Summer 2025
Fall/Winter 2025

View the Meeting Handout
View the meeting handout to see an aerial and learn more about the project timeline, traffic impacts and roundabout benefits.
About Roundabouts
Driving in circles can be a good thing, if it means you get where you want to go quicker and safer. That’s why the Missouri Department of Transportation is using roundabouts as a way to manage traffic at some intersections. This video will help you better understand how to navigate a roundabout, plus explain the many benefits they have compared to traditional traffic signal intersections.
Navigating a Roundabout:
When approaching a roundabout, you will see a dashed white line and a yield sign at each entry point. Slow down, use your turn signal, look for oncoming cars, pedestrians, and bicyclists. When you see a safe opening, proceed into the roundabout. Follow the circle of traffic until you see the road you want to turn onto, then exit out of the roundabout. When entering a roundabout, remember, all vehicles already within the roundabout have the right of way. Do not enter a roundabout if an emergency vehicle is approaching a roundabout. If an emergency vehicle approaches while you are in a roundabout, exit immediately and pull over to the right side of the road. Never turn left when entering a roundabout. When exiting, be sure to use your right turn signal.
For More Information

Tim Pickett
District Design Engineer
Southeast District
Contact Info
(573) 472-9003
(573) 472-9003

Matt Wilkerson
Area Engineer
Southeast District
Contact Info
(573) 472-5235
(573) 472-5235