Districts Impacted
Project Summary
The Crawford County Route HH bridge over Dry Creek was built in 1961. While the supporting structures are in good condition, the driving surface has deteriorated, and needs replaced. The new bridge deck will be wider with new guardrail installed at all 4 corners.
Project Progress
The Missouri Department of Transportation has designed a new deck to extend the functional life of the bridge. The new driving surface will be wider at 22 feet (the existing structure is 20 feet). In addition, all four corners of the bridge will have new guardrail installed.
The project is currently scheduled to be part of MoDOT's February 2024 letting when contractors may submit competitive bids. The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission may award the contract as part of their March 2024 meeting and, if the contract is awarded, a notice to proceed date will also be given. That is the earliest date the contractor may begin work.
Route HH over Dry Creek will be closed during construction. By contract, the bridge may be closed for up to 57 calendar days. Motorists are advised to find an alternate route. At this time, construction is anticipated to start June 3, 2024. The project is anticipated to be completed by the end of July.
MoDOT awarded the project to JK Concrete and Hauling, LLC for $420,286.
Current Bridge Condition
Project Materials
Project News
Crawford County Route HH Bridge over Dry Creek scheduled for Redeck
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo – Crawford County Route HH is set to close June 3 for a bridge redeck. Construction crews working with the Missouri Department of Transportation anticipate restricting all access to the Dry...
Why is MoDOT replacing the bridge deck?
The supporting elements of the bridge, built in 1961, are in good condition. However, the driving surface has deteriorated to a point where deck replacement is necessary. At 22 feet wide, the new bridge deck will be two-feet wider than the existing deck. In addition, all four corners of the bridge will have new guardrails installed.
How will the construction affect traffic?
The contractor will close the bridge to all traffic during construction, which is expected to take roughly 12 weeks. During the closure, motorists will need to use an alternate route.
Who can I contact with further questions?
You may email cdcr@modot.mo.gov or call us at 888 ASK MODOT (1-888-275-6636). Please reference Crawford County Route HH Dry Creek Bridge Project on your inquiries.
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