Technician Certification Program




Updated:  11/03/2023


  1. Aggregate Technician is now divided into two parts, AT - part 1, and   AT - part 2.  There will be 2 manuals, 2 exams, 2 proficiency tests.   This certification will last 3 days for initial testing.  The tester will need to pass both part AT-1 and AT-2 to receive certification for AT.
  2. Aggregate Technician Renewal, a tester will take AT - part 1 exam in the morning and AT - part 2 exam in the afternoon.  Both exams are needed to get renewal certification for AT.
  3. Study Groups are now being offered at the Central Laboratory. See the Course Calendar below for more information.


The purpose of the TCP is to ensure the quality of materials incorporated into MoDOT projects by supporting proper and uniform procedures among individuals responsible for the sampling and acceptance testing (including IAS and FAST) of certain non-manufactured materials used in transportation construction projects. These materials are aggregates, soil, concrete and asphalt.

All technicians who perform, or are required by the FHWA to witness, such sampling and testing shall be deemed as qualified by virtue of successfully completing the requirements of the TCP for that specific technical area. They will be identified by a certification card issued by the certifying authority. The card will note the expiration date and each certification level.  Any individual who has not been qualified is not eligible to perform these functions on MoDOT 

projects on the National Highway System.

What Certification Levels do I need?

  • Specifics about which tests are certified

Manual Section Updates

Training Videos

These manuals are Adobe downloads of the TCP manuals for use to prepare for certification, personal review, or reference.

A bound version of each manual will be provided to you at the time you attend a class, and is yours to keep.  Every effort is being made to keep manuals as up-to-date as possible.  Be aware that specifications and/or test methods change frequently and the information in these manuals may not be current.


Donna Hoeller

For submitting request forms or for additional information contact: 

MoDOT Construction and Materials Division 

P. O. Box 270 

Jefferson City, MO 65102 

phone 573-522-2742

fax at 573-751-8682

e-mail at