State Block Grant Program (Federal Funds)
State Aviation Trust Fund Program (State Funds)
Sponsor CIP Submittal
Consultant Procurement
Consultant Procurement - Federally Funded Projects
- Aviation Project Consultant Agreement
- Exhibit IV- Derivation of Consultant Project Costs
- Exhibit V - Engineering Basic and Special Services-Cost Breakdown
- Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 1
- Exhibit IV- Derivation of Consultant Project Costs (Construction)
- Exhibit V - Engineering Construction Services-Cost Breakdown
- Sample Letter of Recommendation of Approval for Project Consultant Agreement
- Sponsor Certification for Selection of Consultants (form)
- Breakdown of Aviation Consultant Costs
Consultant Procurement - State Funded Projects
Airports Resources
Utility Adjustments
Engineering, Design, and Construction - Sponsor Certifications For Federally Funded Projects
- Sponsor Certification for Conflict of Interest
- Sponsor Certification for Drug-Free Workplace
- Sponsor Certification for Projects Plans and Specifications
- Sponsor Certification for Equipment/Construction Contracts
- Sponsor Certification for Construction Project Final Acceptance
- Sponsor Certification for Equipment Final Acceptance
Construction Project Items - Federal Projects
Construction Project Items - Federal & State Projects
Project Closeout Items - Federal Projects
Project Closeout Items - Federal & State Projects
MoDOT Electrical Specifications (State Funded Projects)
- MO-101 Airport Rotating Beacons
- MO-103 Airport Beacon Towers
- MO-107 Airport 8-Foot and 12-Foot Wind Cones
- MO-108 Underground Power Cable for Airports
- MO-109 Airport Prefabricated Housing and Equipment
- MO-110 Airport Underground Electrical Duct Banks and Conduits
- MO-120 Airport Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) System
- MO-125 Airport Lighting Systems and Guidance Signs
MoDOT Construction Specifications - Federally Funded Projects
MoDOT Construction Specifications - Federal & State Funded Projects
MoDOT Construction Specifications - State Funded Projects
- State-Preparation of Project Plans and Specifications
- State-Construction Observation Program
- MO-100 Mobilization
- MO-152 Excavation and Embankment
- MO-155 Fly Ash Treated Subgrade
- MO-156 Erosion and Sediment Control
- MO-161 Woven Wire Fence with Steel Posts
- MO-162 Chain-Link Fences
- MO-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course
- MO-401S Plant Mix Bituminous Pavements
- MO-500 Joint and Crack Resealing-Concrete Pavement
- MO-601 Surface Preparation
- MO-602 Bituminous Prime Coat
- MO-603 Bituminous Tack Coat
- MO-610 Structural Portland Cement Concrete
- MO-620 Runway and Taxiway Painting
- MO-622 Crack and Joint Sealing-Bituminous Pavement
- MO-623 Pavement Friction Sealcoat Surface Treatment
- MO-701 Pipe for Storm Drains and Culverts
- MO-706 Prefabricated Underdrains
- MO-901 Seeding
- MO-905 Topsoiling
- MO-908 Mulching