Outreach Opportunities
MoDOT staff welcome the opportunity to participate in career fairs and school visits. You can request a MoDOT employee to attend your event by contacting the MoDOT Equal Opportunity and Diversity Division at 573-526-5611 or via email at equalopportunity@modot.mo.gov
Partners in Education
The Partners in Education program is organized through the Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce. Their mission is to promote the collaboration of the Jefferson City area business and education communities, provide programs that enable students to achieve academic excellence and enhance economic growth with quality schools.
A few of their goals are to encourage collaboration among schools, businesses, students, parents and community leaders and to promote and reward academic excellence. Visit www.jcchamber.org/ed/pie.htm for additional information on this worthwhile program.
For more information about MoDOT’s Partnership with Thomas Jefferson Middle School, contact the MoDOT Equal Opportunity and Diversity Division at 573-526-5611 or via email at equalopportunity@modot.mo.gov