Write Up:
The public has indicated the condition of Missouri’s existing roadway system should be one of the state’s highest priorities. Currently, 759 (24 major) structures are in poor condition, 6,599 (142 major) structures are in fair condition and 3,034 (43 major) structures are in good condition.
The number of structures in poor condition peaked at 922 in 2017 and is trending down. The number of good condition structures generally has a declining trend. The number of fair condition structures has been increasing. The decrease in poor condition bridges is reflective of MoDOT’s asset management program focus on poor structures thru the Governor’s Focus on Bridges program as well as design build projects and normal STIP programming in various districts. The declining trend in good structures, as well as the increase in fair condition structures, is reflective of MoDOT’s aging bridge inventory with many structures at the point where they need minor maintenance or rehabilitation.
For major bridges, the number of structures in poor condition peaked in 2018 at 27 and is currently 24. The number of fair structures has generally been level that last four years, fluctuating between 141 and 142. The number of good structures decreased by one but has generally been trending up because of multiple major bridge STIP project investments that are currently under construction. Work on major bridges is expensive with rehabilitations costing $15 million to $30 million and replacements ranging from $40 million to $300 million. Ohio has been selected for comparison as its total of 10,201 (163 major) state highway bridges is similar to Missouri and Ohio has similar demographics, geography, and weather conditions.
MoDOT’s asset management goal for bridges is to keep the statewide total number of poor bridges at 900 or less and the number of poor major bridges at 20 or less.
Purpose of the Measure:
This measure tracks progress toward improving the condition of Missouri’s bridges.
Measurement and Data Collection:
This measure is updated in July based on MoDOT inspections conducted the prior year. Data is presented for all state bridges and major bridges. Major bridges are those that are 1,000 feet long or longer. Of the 10,392 bridges on state highways, 209 are considered major bridges. Bridges are categorized as being in good, fair or poor condition in accordance with criteria established by Federal Highway Administration. Good condition indicates no significant condition-related problems exist, fair indicates moderate problems exist that may require minor rehabilitation or maintenance to return the structure to good condition, and poor indicates more significant problems exist which will require either a major rehabilitation or replacement of the structure.
The target for this measure is set internally and reflects the department’s goal of “holding its own” in terms of bridge condition.
Result Driver

Mark Croarkin
Email: mark.croarkin@modot.mo.gov
Phone: (573) 472-5341
Measurement Driver
Matthew Geiger
Email: Matthew.Geiger@modot.mo.gov
Phone: (417) 895-7643