Condition of State Highways -5c

Missourians have repeatedly told MoDOT that keeping roads smooth is a top priority. Over the years, MoDOT has been able to fund pavement improvement projects on thousands of miles of state highways.


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*2020 data for Minor Highways is not available

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*2020 data for Low Volume Highways is not available

Missourians have repeatedly told MoDOT that keeping roads smooth is a top priority. Over the years, MoDOT has been able to fund pavement improvement projects on thousands of miles of state highways.

MoDOT maintains 33,811 miles of highway. For year-end 2023, the percentage of major highways in good condition is 89.9%, just below the target of 90% but improving from 2022. The percentage of minor highways in good condition continues to stay just above the target of 80% for 2023. The percentage of low-volume highways in good condition continued to improve in 2023, increasing to 78.6%, well exceeding the 70% target for low-volume highways.

As defined by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the target is based on the statewide asset management plan and represents MoDOT’s goal of maintaining the current conditions of Missouri's highways.

Beginning in 2018, FHWA requires all departments of transportation to report pavement data related to the structural integrity of the pavement, which may not impact current pavement smoothness but may cause future pavement issues. The FHWA then provides a report card back to the departments. However, the federal administration was not able to provide a Structural Condition again this year.

MoDOT has implemented asset management practices statewide to invest in transportation projects that will keep good roads in good condition. The percent of major highways in good condition improved in 2023 ending the downward trend seen in the previous few years. To help keep this trend in the positive direction, MoDOT continues to look at innovative ways to improve the quality of asphalt and concrete used to pave and maintain Missouri highways. There has been an increase in low-volume highways in good condition the past couple of years in large part due to additional funding from Gov. Parson's Rural Routes Program.

This measure tracks the condition of Missouri’s highways.

Missouri’s major highway system contains the state’s busiest highways, including interstates and most U.S. routes. There are 5,555 total miles on the major highway system.

Missouri’s minor highway system consists of its less-traveled state highways, including most lettered routes and routes that mainly serve local transportation needs. There are 18,114 miles of minor highways in Missouri.

Missouri’s low volume highways are those state-owned roads with less than 400 cars traveling on them per day. There are 10,142 miles of low volume roads in Missouri.

Missouri measures the condition of its roadways using smoothness as one factor but also considers physical distresses, such as cracking. The targets for this measure are set by internal policy and will not change unless policy changes, regardless of performance.

Results Driver

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mark photo
Mark Croarkin
District Engineer
Southeast District
Contact Info


Phone: (573) 472-5341

Measurement Driver

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Jacob Graessle employee
Jacob Graessle
Pavement Engineer
Construction and Materials
Contact Info


Phone: (573) 526-0371